‘To be honest’… Rangers summer departure explains Philippe Clement cold shoulder

Rangers FC has seen significant changes over the summer transfer window, with some surprise departures and new arrivals altering the team dynamic. However, one of the most talked-about exits is now shedding light on a deeper issue – Philippe Clement’s cold shoulder towards a former key player. In an exclusive interview, the player opened up about the reasons behind his departure, sparking intense debate among Rangers fans.

The Build-Up to a Surprising Exit

Over the past few months, fans of Rangers FC have been caught off guard by a few significant changes within the team, but none more surprising than the abrupt departure of one of their beloved players. Although many were led to believe it was a routine transfer decision, it turns out there’s more beneath the surface.

In an exclusive interview, the player in question revealed, “To be honest, things had changed a lot since Philippe Clement took over. I didn’t feel the same support or communication I had previously enjoyed, and that affected my performance and, ultimately, my place in the team.”

What Led to the “Cold Shoulder”?

The player, who wishes to remain anonymous for now, hinted that Philippe Clement’s coaching style may not have been conducive to open communication or building strong relationships with every player. “From the start of pre-season, it was clear that some of us weren’t in his long-term plans,” the player added. “There was a shift in attitude. Suddenly, no matter how hard you worked or how well you performed, there was no feedback, no encouragement. It was a very different atmosphere compared to before.”

This sentiment is something that has now struck a chord with many Rangers fans. Some have begun to question whether Clement’s distant approach could affect the overall morale of the team, especially considering the high expectations at a club like Rangers.

A Changing Team Culture?

Rangers is a club with a rich history, and for many players, the camaraderie and support within the squad have been key factors in their success. Under previous management, the team enjoyed a sense of unity that was often visible both on and off the pitch. However, according to this former player, the arrival of Clement brought with it a new dynamic that some players found difficult to adjust to.

The player went on to explain: “I don’t want to say too much, but when you’re used to playing a certain way, and suddenly things change without explanation, it can be hard to adapt. Some of us just didn’t fit into Clement’s vision, and that’s fine, but it’s the lack of communication that made it difficult.”

Fans are now left wondering whether this could be an early warning sign for potential problems within the Rangers camp.

Philippe Clement’s Approach to Team Management

Philippe Clement, who took over as manager earlier this year, is known for his tactical prowess and structured approach to football. His track record speaks for itself, with successful spells at Club Brugge and AS Monaco. However, his methods seem to rely heavily on discipline and control, which some believe could lead to a disconnect with certain players.

Clement’s focus on tactical execution and strict adherence to his system might work well for players who thrive in structured environments. Still, for others, especially those who rely on individual expression and creativity on the pitch, it could feel stifling. The former Rangers star explained, “I’m not saying Clement is a bad coach, but his style doesn’t suit everyone. Some players felt like they were playing with shackles on, unable to express themselves fully.”

This revelation raises questions about whether Clement’s approach is compatible with the diverse personalities and playstyles within the Rangers squad.

The Fallout from the Summer Departure

The player’s departure has not gone unnoticed, with many fans expressing their disappointment on social media. However, as more details emerge about the cold shoulder treatment, some supporters are now rethinking their stance. Was the player’s exit a necessary step for the club, or did it signal a deeper issue within the squad?

As one fan commented on Twitter, “If this is how Clement treats his players, we could be in for a rough season. Players need to feel valued to perform at their best.”

On the other hand, some fans believe that a tough, no-nonsense approach might be what Rangers need to challenge for silverware. “Maybe it’s time for a shake-up. Not everyone is going to fit into Clement’s system, and that’s okay. We need winners, and if that means making tough decisions, so be it,” said another fan.

How Will This Affect Rangers’ Season?

It’s too early to predict how Philippe Clement’s management style will affect Rangers’ season. However, the player’s revelations about feeling left out could be indicative of larger issues within the club. For now, Rangers must focus on maintaining unity in the dressing room, especially as they continue their campaign in the Scottish Premiership and other competitions.

Clement has already brought in several new signings over the summer, and the expectation is that these players will be key to his long-term plans. However, for those who remain at the club from previous regimes, there’s a growing concern that they could face similar treatment to the player who recently departed.


The recent departure of a key Rangers player has brought to light some concerns about Philippe Clement’s management style. While the Belgian coach is undoubtedly talented, his approach has led to some players feeling alienated and undervalued. Whether this will have a long-term impact on Rangers’ performance remains to be seen, but for now, fans will be watching closely to see how the situation develops.

For the former player, the next chapter in his career is just beginning. As he concluded in the interview, “I’m grateful for my time at Rangers, but I knew it was time to move on. Hopefully, I can find a club where I feel more appreciated and can give my best on the pitch.”

Meta Description: Former Rangers player reveals the cold shoulder treatment from manager Philippe Clement, raising concerns about team morale. Is there a deeper issue within the Rangers camp?

Tags: Rangers FC, Philippe Clement, summer transfer, cold shoulder, team morale, Scottish Premiership, football news, Rangers manager, player-manager relations

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